Receive notifications on your desktop of new messages in your Gmail box.You also can use "Send Voicemail" in the friends list to send a voice message without calling. Your contact can download it or simply click "Play" in Gmail. The message goes to the person's e-mail account as an MP3 file titled "Voicemail from …".

If someone doesn't pick up your Google Talk call, you'll be sent to voice mail, where you can leave a message of up to 10 minutes. Send and receive voice mails with friends who aren't online.To make a call, find the person on your friends' list, click the phone icon next to the name, wait for the person to answer and start talking. Note, though, that you'll need an Internet connection, a microphone and a speaker and that, while making the call is free, your Internet service provider will charge for the time used. Make free PC-to-PC voice calls to anyone who is online and has Google Talk.You can chat while a file is downloading, but remember that longer files may cost you more in Internet use time. Google Talk shows estimated completion times for longer downloads. Files can be Word documents, spreadsheets, photos, music, video or more - without restrictions on file type, size or bandwidth. Send unlimited file transfers to your contacts.